Surgery error leaves man a quadriplegic - Medical Malpractice 

41 year old married man and father of 2 children was admitted to the hospital for removal of cervical spinal cord tumor.  During the procedure his spine cord was accidently partially severed rendering him a quadriplegic.  Settlement negotiations concluded months later with a verdict of $4 million to the injured plaintiff.  From the gross settlement the plaintiff chose to utilize $1,500,000 to purchase a structured annuity.  Unable to work again in his field, the annuity was designed to provide $5,400 monthly for life with 3% cost-of-living annual increase, annual income which would pay for his children's college educations, and large lump sums of $100,000 payable every 3 years from age 54 to 69.  By utilizing a structured annuity, the injured plaintiff not only created a lifetime monthly income and ability to pay for his family years down the road, but the initial $1,500,000 invested for the annuity yielded a total payout amount of $3,903,470.00, tax free.


Teenager Burned at School - Injured Minor

High school student attending a school sponsored research field trip was burned when a gas canister exploded.  The total litigated settlement amount was $2,300,000, and of this, $1,115,000 was allocated for the structured annuity portion.  A medical custodial trust was established for her future medical needs which was funded directly by the tax free annuity payments.  The structured settlement also provided fund for her college tuition, ample lump sum payments into her 30's for significant purchases such as a home, and also monthly lifetime income.  These tax free annuity payments throughout her life grew the initial annuity portion to $3,205,000.


Officer Involved Shooting - Wrongful Death

Single father of 3 minor children was shot and killed by police officer resulting in a settlement of $1,800,000.  Structured annuities were chosen, not only to benefit the minor children in the future but also provided guaranteed tax free payments of $1,800 per month to the Guardian to assist her in raising the children until age 18.  For the benefit of the minors, annuities of $400,000 each were purchased which provided them with 5 year college funds, $1,500 monthly payments during college, and large lump sums ranging from $450,000 to $800,000 payable at ages 25, 30, 35 and 40. 


School Accident - Failure to Supervise

Student permanently looses partial sight of his left eye from a projectile object thrown in classroom by a fellow student.  After attorneys fees and costs the net recovery to the minor was $286,000, all of which was chosen to be placed into a structured annuity.  The structured settlement provided monthly and annual payments from age 18 to 40, lump sums of $50,000 every 3 years from age 35 to 54, and a final lump sum payment of $200,000 at age 55.  By utilizing a structured annuity it grew the original net settlement amount from $286,000 to $767,430.00, in 100% tax free guaranteed payments.



63 year old lumber mill employee - Workers Compensation

Sixty-three year old lumber mill worker with several dates of injury beginning in 1990, was an unrepresented claimant.  He lived in a rural area so the nearest Worker’s Compensation doctor was approximately 75 miles away. Kerri met directly with him on behalf of the self-insured employer. She put together a plan to pay for his Medicare Set Aside with Professional Administration, provide a monthly payment to pay for non-Medicare covered prescriptions, and give him enough cash at settlement to pay for a private medical policy to cover him until he reached Medicare entitlement. After being on Worker’s Compensation for 24 years, he was able to take control over his treatment and doctor selection.


Mother & son hit by Semi-truck - Personal Injury

In March 2011 in Santa Barbara, CA, a mother and son were struck from behind by a semi-truck while stopped at a red light.  The total settlement amount was $1,065,000, and after fees and costs were deducted, the remaining amount of $680,000 was utilized to purchase structured annuities for both mother & son. The mother received $1,560 per month guaranteed tax free, until her son reached age 18, as well as larger monthly payments into her retirement years. His annuity plan set forth college tuition payments for 5 years, including monthly payments during college for living expenses.  To further benefit him beyond age 22, larger lump sum payments from age 22 to 32 were established, with largest lump sum of $435,000 to purchase a home being paid at age 35.